"Visual direction from the living room shelf"
Living on Schaffhauserrheinweg in Basel by Jessenvollenweider
An article in "Werk, Bauen + Wohnen Nr.10 - 2015 " by Roland Züger and pictures by Walter Mair
"Four triangular houses with rounded corners and dark-painted wooden façades arouse curiosity. The façades in particular create a high level of homeliness despite the high density: a glimpse from the veranda."
Ingemar Vollenweider is Professor of Urban Architecture + Design at the department of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and runs the architecture firm "jessenvollenweider" in Basel with his partner Anna Jessen.(jessenvollenweider.ch)
Link: www.wbw.ch/de/heft/archiv/2015-10-umbauen.html
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