An internship abroad?
Definitely! Due to the increasing globalization of companies, more and more employers are attaching importance to university graduates gaining professional experience during their studies. By completing an internship abroad, students show that they are flexible and able to move confidently in a foreign cultural environment and to cope well with the language. The internship abroad offers an opportunity to gain this desired experience abroad without losing too much time, sometimes even during the semester break.
Internship in Europe
Under the EU Lifelong Learning Program, students can complete an internship in another European country as part of the ERASMUS program. The EU Service Point is responsible for internships for students.
Internship worldwide
Funding program: as part of the DAAD PROMOS program (program for the mobility of German students and doctoral candidates)
Work place abroad
A work place abroad? | Definitely! Due to the progressive globalization of companies, more and more employers attach importance to university graduates gaining work experience during their studies. By doing a work placement abroad, students show that they are flexible and able to master living in an unfamiliar cultural environment and deal with any language difficulties well. A work placement abroad offers an opportunity to acquire the desired experience abroad without losing too much time, partly in the semester holidays. |
Work placements in Europe | With the EU Lifelong Learning programme students in the Erasmus programme can do a work placement in Europe. The EU Service Point is responsible for the area work placements for students. |
Work placements worldwide | Support programms: within the framework of the DAAD programme PROMOS (programme for the mobility of German undergraduates and Ph.D.students). |
| AIESEC/IAESTE in Kaiserslautern: |
| Carl Duisberg Centren (insb. Sprachreisen): |